
June 28, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Physicians Win Historic Union Election at Four ChristianaCare Hospitals, Form Largest Private Sector Physician Union in US

Newark, DE - June 28, 2024 - In a landmark victory, physicians across Christiana Hospital, Wilmington Hospital, Middletown Freestanding ED, and Union Hospital have successfully voted to unionize with Doctors Council SEIU Local 10MD. The results of the National Labor Relations Board election were announced at a tally yesterday evening. A total of 431 votes were cast, with 288 voting in favor of union representation and 130 voting against, and 13 votes challenged. This momentous decision marks the first attending physician union in Delaware and Maryland, and the first union of any kind at ChristianaCare. Additionally, this will be the largest union of private sector physicians in the United States, with an increased total of approximately 500 attending physicians participating in the vote.

The physicians' decision to unionize is a response to ongoing concerns about excessive corporatization and the erosion of professional autonomy. This successful vote follows months of dedicated organizing efforts by physicians, addressing critical issues such as:

  • Patient safety concerns due to understaffing and inadequate resources.
  • The erosion of the physician-led model of care and the increasing influence of corporate interests on medical decision-making.
  • Limited input and decision-making power in matters affecting patient care, physician safety, and professional autonomy.
  • The moral injury caused by the pressure to prioritize productivity and profit over patient needs and values, and from a lack of support and resources to provide high-quality care.

“An overwhelming majority of ChristianaCare physicians have voted to unionize so that we can take better care of the people who take care of our community,” says Dr. Ragu Sanjeev, a Hospitalist at ChristianaCare. “We owe it to our community. We will work in harmony with the hospital management to bring about the necessary changes to make this hospital system more accessible, efficient and safe for everyone.”

"I am proud to call myself one of the dedicated physicians of ChristianaCare that have taken a significant step toward ensuring a stronger voice in their workplace by voting to form a union,” says Bryan Haimes, a ChristianaCare Emergency Medicine Pediatrician. “Physicians experienced moral injury during the COVID-19 pandemic when having to take care of more patients without the resources to ensure the best possible patient care. The decision to unionize reflects our commitment to advocating for the highest standards of patient care, improving physician well-being to avoid burnout, and fostering a collaborative environment that benefits both our healthcare professionals and the community we serve."

“I am proud of our physicians that voted to form a union by an overwhelming majority. This milestone will not only benefit our hospital, but also set a precedent for positive change in healthcare across Delaware,” says Gennadiy Ryklin, an Internal Medicine physician at ChristianaCare. “We aim to improve working conditions for all healthcare professionals at ChristianaCare, enhance the quality of care delivered, and ensure that patient safety and well-being remain a top priority. We believe that by standing united, we can drive meaningful improvements and contribute to a healthier future for all Delawareans by way of working in a more equitable, efficient, and compassionate healthcare system.”

Doctors Council SEIU represents thousands of physicians nationwide, committed to improving healthcare for both patients and physicians. With a rich legacy of championing patient safety, physician respect, and equity in healthcare, the union stands firm in its pursuit of these ideals.

“We are proud and excited to welcome ChristianaCare physicians to Doctors Council, says Dr. Frances Quee, President of Doctors Council SEIU. “This historic win will pave the way for physicians around the country to organize to regain control of their practices and fight for their patients.”

This historic win is expected to foster a more collaborative and sustainable system that prioritizes the patient-physician relationship, ensuring that physicians have a decisive voice in the future of healthcare at ChristianaCare and Union Hospital.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Marisa Powell

Lead Organizer